subsidiary condition

英 [səbˈsɪdiəri kənˈdɪʃn] 美 [səbˈsɪdieri kənˈdɪʃn]

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  1. Xuehu coal main and subsidiary well have deep shaft, thick surface soil and strong disability, poor pourability in the hydrated grope rock and complex geology condition.
  2. In the second, the author points to the feasibility of controlling proper ship capacities according to analysis to present condition of Dalian Shipping Subsidiary of PetroChina 、 price tendency of tanker shipping market and present condition of tanker market.
  3. These priciples comprise successive equation of elastic and plastic domains, the physical equation is satisfied by the stress and strain along the stress ( strain) pass and the subsidiary boundary condition on the whole boundary of the given surface forces.
  4. Research of Financial Control upon the Subsidiary Company for Business Group under the Asymmetric Information Condition